We Speak Their Language

Doctor’s offices, medical clinics, and hospital waiting rooms are terrifying for children. The harsh lights, sterile environments, and introductions to the office or hospital’s nurses, doctors, and assistants can put even adults out of their comfort zones; young children, who often have no way to handle this overload of new sights, sounds, and smells, require special care from medical professionals in order for the visit to go successfully. Even older children and teenagers will frequently require a much different approach to medical care than adult patients do. Because of this, taking your children to a practice that specializes in pediatric care is imperative.

Our staff understands that children have different ways of communicating their discomfort than adults do and express their frustrations in different ways as well. Temper tantrums and screaming may be indicative of discomfort, their pain may be “icky”, and sometimes the only thing that’ll make them feel better when they’re feeling sick and overwhelmed is a good cry. It can be embarrassing, frustrating and overwhelming for you as a parent when your child is acting out in such ways. Our staff is comprised of doctors who not only understand these reactions but are prepared to minimize the negative outbursts and interpret what your child is trying to tell us.

The Care Your Children Deserve

Beyond this, children have different physical as well as emotional needs than adult patients. They can’t always use the same equipment as adults or use that sort of equipment in the same ways. Children are more sensitive to radiation than adults, for example, so while diagnostic tests such as X-rays are safe in moderation, it’s a good idea to use them as a last resort in the event of an injury.

Schedule Your Child’s Same-Day Doctor Visit

We offer pediatric care as part of our family-oriented services because we’re well equipped to treat your child when they try to communicate their feelings on their terms and to translate that communication into effective healthcare strategies. Our entire team of medical providers are here to ensure your child receives the very best pediatric health care.